Facebook Success

10 Tweaks to Give Your
Facebook Business Page Greater Impact

We’ve recently spent over a month auditing various Facebook business pages and we have been looking at what businesses are doing right, and what easy changes they could make to give their pages more impact and their visitors a better experience.

We’ve found some interesting things on many business pages, but one thing that stood out was that many page owners aren’t taking full advantage of the valuable real estate that is their Facebook page.



Before you post your way to Facebook success, we’ve compiled a list of 10 tweaks you can easily make to your page to improve visitor experience and give your page greater impact:

facebook business page

1. Businesses must have a business Page.

It’s a violation of Facebook’s terms of service to run a business page on a personal profile. How do you know the difference? The easiest way is this: If people send a ‘friend request’ to be part of your community, your page is set up as a personal profile. A business page’s fans ‘Like’ the page.

2. Claim your vanity URL

A vanity url looks like this: www.facebook.com/yourcompanyname. This is important so that you can easily direct people to your Facebook page. Make sure it matches as closely to your business name as possible to avoid confusion.

facebook business page
facebook business page

3. Include your website URL in the visible portion of the About section.

Facebook doesn’t allow for a URL to be included on the cover photo, so it should be in the next most visible spot. This will allow visitors to click through to your website as soon as they visit your page

4. Use all of the space in the visible portion of the About section.

There are 155 characters visible in the About section on the Timeline. Use them all to give an impact statement about your company.

facebook business page
facebook business page

5. Fill out all the info.

The available entries vary depending on the category of page you’ve chosen, but don’t leave anything blank. Fill out the Description and all other information that is allowed for your type of page.

6. Remove any empty/unused tabs.

Since the advent of Timeline for pages, apps have been discontinued and replaced with tabs. These tabs are just to the left of the page under your logo. Don’t send visitors to a blank or outdated tab.

facebook business page
facebook business page

7. Reorder your tabs.

This is a simple thing, but important nonetheless. Move the 3 most important tabs to the top so they are visible on mobile as well.

8. Add your other digital channels to your page.

This makes your Facebook page an all-inclusive destination for your company’s web presence. All of your online real estate should be linked so that visitors to one site can easily find your other properties.

facebook business page
facebook business page

9. Update the main call to action button.

Make sure you update your primary button, located under your cover banner, to the most relevant and important action you want your fans to take. If you have a shop, use Shop Now. Or if you prefer to receive calls, use Call Us. You can now also easily integrate your WhatsApp Business account into this tab.


This should probably be number 1 on the list. No matter how beautiful your cover photo or how much your company rocks – misspelled words and bad grammar will drive customers away. Many people will not do business with a company that has typos or uses poor grammar on their Facebook page, website, or any other written communication. Sadly, there are many pages, websites, etc out there that contain these types of mistakes and others that make you look like a rookie. Don’t let yours be one of them.

facebook business page

These ten tips will get your Facebook page in tip-top shape so that it will have a greater impact on visitors.

Need help implementing these tips? We can assist! We are here make your life easier. Why not book one of our training courses? Or you could just let us do it all for you.

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