In a move that is effectively extending the near two decades long game of cat and mouse taking place between Google and SEO experts, it would appear that the search engine has once again tweaked its core search algorithm.

This news would have taken few by surprise, with the all-important ranking algorithm tasked with distinguishing quality content from run of the mill drivel, most often in a state of near perpetual change. That said, every now and again, a significant upgrade is made that changes the search engine optimisation game, which begs the question: just what has Google done now?

Panda Update

In what has been deemed an extremely significant move among SEO experts, it has been widely reported that Google Panda, which was launched in 2011 and initially acted as a spam filter of sorts for poor quality content, has been inducted into Google’s core algorithm as of this year. The implications of Panda’s move should be profound, with sites which have historically relied on quantity over quality most likely to be affected. Granted, Google Panda has been operating for some time, however, now that it’s part of the core algorithm, its powers should be vastly extended.

Expected Changes

Currently, the internet is much abuzz with the prospect of Google’s latest update to Google Penguin, with this update expected to launch later this year. Penguin has historically dealt with the quality of a site’s backlinks as, before its introduction, sites found that they could shoot up the search rankings through the use of link farms and other low-grade link references using dodgy techniques. When it comes to Penguin, one should expect the new update to further crack down on such behaviour and penalise sites that try to exploit the system in this way.

Just what has Google done now? Banter takes a closer look at Google Penguin Share on X

There is simply no disputing that placing highly in Google’s search rankings is absolutely crucial to the future success of your website, with even a drop of just a few places often resulting in catastrophic consequences for both your site’s traffic and advertising prospects. Fortunately, a thorough analysis of your website will determine where the issues lie and, with your site in the safe hands of Banter Media, you can rest assured that it will be analysed by experienced professionals who all but guarantee that your site will weather the storm of any Google update that gets thrown its way. – source

Has your website been effected by Googles changing algorithms?

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