Online brand attack: A step-by-step guide to recovery

by | Blog, Social | 4 comments

strong online presence

What could be worse than having your personal name, business or brand attacked? Nothing! But unfortunately it happens. So, what happens if you are under an online brand attack? Follow our 5 simple steps to recoup from an online brand attack and you will be on the road to recovery.

Step 1: Be prepared

No brand is exempt from an online brand attack.

Brands must have strategies in place to detect a reputation crises as soon as possible and react efficiently to stop the spread.

By making use of blogs, engaging with consumers and being as real and honest will keep your brand customer centric.

If a crisis occurs, you will be able to respond in a way that is trustworthy because you have lead and interacted with the conversations, which allowed you to shape your message and have an authentic voice.

Step 2: Act immediately!

Acknowledge and respond quickly! It’s the easiest and best solution.

A brand that listens and shows care for their consumers will create an upright online reputation.

Step 3: If what they’re saying is false

If the comment is factually incorrect:

  1. Send proof to inform them that they are incorrect and ask them to subtract it in a friendly tone – this is important!
  2. Propose to keep the person informed of future news.
  3. If there is no response add a comment stating it has been attended to.

Cultivating a trustworthy group of fans can help enormously when needing to resolve incorrect information. The brand will appear more reliable if your fans support your responses. 

Step 4: If what they’re saying is true…

If the comment is negative talk about your brand, but is factual, it is vital to share your side of the story, but try your best to take the conversation offline.

If suitable, express how apologetic you are and make amends.

Offering a ‘discount’ or ‘next one is on us’shows that you care for your consumers and they are important to you.

Step 5: Keep the negative pOSTS out of the TIMELINE

It is crucial to keep people away from reading negative comments about your brand. Cut them off the first page of results and social media posts by adding new posts and links until you’ve forced the offending post out of your consumers’ sight.

Have you ever been under attack? Let us know if you found this helpful? Read our other blogs for more information on how to become the best version of your brand.

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