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10 Content Ideas for Twitter

Twitter, is the by far the fastest consumer of content than other social channels.

Nearly half of all marketers cite Twitter as their go-to network for engaging with customers. It’s a fast moving and simple to use, and arguably the easiest social following to grow.

But how do you get those followers in the first place? How do you engage with them on a personal basis and conduct your business online? Well this can be made as simple or as complex as you like.

The no. 1 rule is: Content is King - Craig M @bantersaurus Share on X

The basic rules are to ensure your content is interesting, but don’t keep repeating yourself – other users and Twitter themselves will not take too kindly to such activities. Keep it Original.

Content Ideas


Here is a list of the different types of tweets and their key features:

1. @Replys

One of best way to develop relationships with people is to interact with their posts and conversations using the @. Give support, laugh, share a similar experience… do what you can to show others that you’re interested in what they are Tweeting about.


Second to @Replys are Retweets. When you see share worthy posts, key in the letters RT or the word Retweet then @TheirUserName. If you use applications like TweetDeck or Twhirl, it makes this very easy. Retweeting is good karma 2.0!

Content Ideas

3. Countdowns

You can fill an event and build anticipation by counting down to start time. 1 day left, 1 hour left; 5 minutes left… this strategy has worked incredibly well for live video casts, podcasts, teleseminars, and even in-person Tweet Ups!

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4. Blog Posts

If you’re a blogger, let folks read your latest post by Tweeting the title and a link. Better yet, make it really simple by using a site like Twitterfeed.

5. “As-It-Happens” Updates

Whether you’re wandering an Expo Hall, attending a webinar, at a conference, or listening to a teleseminar, you can create a live newsfeed with your Tweets.

6. Photos

Be sure to upload a photo when you send a Tweet. What’s great about images is that it creates extra engagement and can be visually appealing. It could be the key difference in the user engaging or scrolling on.

Content Ideas

7. Questions

This is a favourite of mine. Simply ask a question and watch your friends and followers respond. This is great for impromptu market research or quick feedback.

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8. You are human after all

It’s okay if your Tweets aren’t all rays of sunshine and optimism… sometimes we need to commiserate in the public stream. When you Tweet about your broken down vehicle, server crash, lost tea lady, or stressful projects, you’ll be amazed at the outpouring of expert support.

9. Celebrations

Tweet about getting a new client, finishing a big project, meeting a deadline, achieving a milestone, or whatever else merits a bit of festivity. This is a great way for others to learn about your achievements in a non-boastful way.

10. Trivial Touchpoints

Believe it or not, profitable contacts have been made on Twitter simply by sharing what you’re doing at the moment. Whether it’s drinking coffee, watching an industry webinar, in a client’s reception area, or waiting out an urgent print run, the mundane can turn itself into an avenue for real connections.

Content Ideas

Remember there is nothing mysterious about Twitter, it’s only digital small talk after all.

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