The Pros and Cons of the New Facebook Business Page Experience

by | Nov 19, 2021 | Social

Change is never easy and can seem a bit intimidating at times, but don’t worry, because we are in this together. We have covered all your answers about how the New Facebook Page Experience works with its pros and cons and are here to help and guide you along the new Facebook journey.

What is the New Pages Experience?

According to Facebook “The New Page Experience is a way for public figures, businesses and others who want to build and connect with an audience, manage their professional presence on Facebook.” As well as provide a “redesigned Facebook Pages experience that makes it simpler for public figures and creators to build a community and achieve their business objectives.”

Let’s call it NPE for now.

NPE Page Layout

Classic Page Layout

What are the cons of the NPE?

  • Page likes will not be in the new page. Yes, you heard that right. If someone likes your classic page, but DOES NOT follow the page, they will not transfer to your new page. Don’t worry, because here is how you can invite friends.
  • You can only schedule posts in Facebook business suiteor creator studio and not under publishing tools.
  • Classic page featuresincluding business features such as reviews, appointments, offers, check-ins and page templates will not be switched over to the NPE.
  • You can manage the NPE from the Facebook mobile app,but not from a mobile web browser.
  • You can only contact Facebook support through the help and supportfound under the account dropdown menu.

What are the pros of the NPE?

  • A restructured new page layoutthat is neater and more intuitive.
  • You can manage your business page AND your individual profile separately switching into your new page is much easier.
  • Page followers focus: if someone likes and follows your classic page, they will continue to only be a follower for the new page and added to your total follower count.
  • Page roles have been replaced with Task access or Facebook access – this is a much cleaner and safer way to manage your page.
  • Only if you have Facebook accessyou can manage your professional dashboard – this keeps your page safe.
  • You can invite up to 200 friendsto follow your page – learn how invite friends to follow your page here.
  • Simplified and more actionable  insights.
  • Introducing a new Q&A format – this enables you to engage in more interactive conversations.
  • Safety and integrity features have been updated in order to keep Facebook a safe place for you.

How can you switch to the New Pages Experience?

Facebook released the official statement of NPEon the 6thof January 2021 and has been rolling out the NPE since then. However, not everyone is able to switch just yet. If you want to check if your page is eligible to switch over, follow these next steps: 

  1. Log into Facebook
  2. Go to the settings drop-down menu in the top right of the page.
  3. Select Switch Profile (if available)
  4. Select the new page you want to open

If you cannot see “switch profile”hold tight your page is not eligible to switch just yet. The roll out is still taking place until the end of 2021.

There are some big changes and this can be intimidating, but let’s look at it like this: There are more pros than cons, and it’s going to happen whether we like it or not.Have no fear, Banter is here to help and guide youthrough the NPE development together. 

The digital age is here, are you ready? Because we are!

Still unsure of how the NPE works? Or feel as though this is all too much to learn about? Let us manage your NPE. Contact us today.

Or have you never had a Facebook page for your business and want to jump on in? Let us help you build your business manager todayand let your business thrive on Facebook.

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