Ever considered using Instagram for your business as a social media tool?

I bet you would like to know how powerful the platform can be from a marketer’s point of view! Well, there is massive potential, which is the reason for our latest blog post. We are going to share 12 vital stats that would help you make the decision on whether you should add Instagram onto your social media planning for your business or not.

Now we know that engagement is the lifeblood of social media, and with the recent decline in reach and engagement on Facebook, it’s good to know that some social networks – like Instagram – still deliver.

We also know that the buzz word over the last 5 years has been “Content Is King”, however times are moving on, and with the digital evolution morphing into different phases of communication the next place to charter is where Images are King!

Engagement matters. Get up to 20x more followers on Instagram than on Facebook and Twitter. Share on X

So let’s drill down on 12 motivating facts about Instagram, and give you a reason to consider it for your business marketing.

You wouldn’t put a billboard next to a road nobody drives on, and you won’t market on a social network nobody signs up for. Did you know that nearly 13% of internet users have profiles on Instagram! – And there’s 300 billion of them, by the way!

We know that user volume is good, however it’s the users activity that really matters. If they’re not logging in, they’re not seeing your ads or buying your products or engaging with your services.  Instagram acquires 200 million new users on every month, so you’re not wasting ad spend on dead profiles.

Most users are women & women drive consumption, generally speaking. That’s reason enough to consider Instagram with a user base that’s nearly 70% female. So if you are selling handbags, shoes, jewelry or even a salon with trendy nail finishes – consider your reach further than Facebook. Fashion_Fairy_SA is a local sales hub for just this!

When it comes to planning your business’ return on engagement, you want results in days, not months, and this is why Instagram is a great choice! With 75 million users logging in every day, it provides more than enough opportunity to see things happening in a much shorter timeframe than other networks.

You probably have a mobile handset preference by now, however as a marketer it’s essential to have the ability to easily reach users on all operating systems. That’s why Instagram’s equal distribution – 50% iPhone, 50% Android – is just what you’re looking for.

When you begin to drill down further to the demographics that makes up your client base, we need to point out that the Instagrammers are mostly Gen Y – Yes, 90% of users are under the age of 35! Why is this an important point to bring to your attention? These users are tech-savvy, they also prefer to communicate more quickly and effectively via social networks or text messaging as opposed to traditional means of communication. so you know you have a healthy market for any youth brands to sell here!

The next thing to look into is the integration of how marketing works alongside your Twitter handle. 83% of Instagram posts come with hashtags. It’s basically an open invitation to bring your Twitter and Instagram campaigns together. Here is an example from Victoria’s Secret:

LIVE EVERY DAY LIKE it is the weekend #WhatIsAMonday #OwnTheSummer

How many photos are uploaded a day world wide on Instagram? A whopping 60 million per day! With this in mind, you can expect more than just a more active user base. You can also expect more people – who may not even be on Instagram – to look at those photos. That translates to more eyes for your posts and adverts.

So now comes the question, what else is Instagram used for? A lot happens on Instagram that doesn’t actually involve uploading photos believe it or not. Users post 1,000 comments every second and like posts 1.2 billion times a day. It’s simply more evidence of the kind of activity your brand is looking for.

When it comes to engagement, nostalgia really brings it out. That’s why Instagram’s Throwback Thursday is so promising. And, of course, we already know how popular selfies are. Whatever the latest trend happens to be, you can expect to find it on Instagram.

You’re probably running the same strategies across all your social channels- special offers work, contests work, and current events really work. Whether you’re on Facebook or Instagram, you can expect to see good numbers with them. You know the old adage – get in early. Instagram is only utilized by 28% of marketers in the industry. This is your opportunity to move in before everybody else does.

Let’s recap the 12 motivating facts about Instagram:

  1. 75 million daily users
  2. 300 billion monthly active users
  3. Acquiring 200 million new users on every month
  4. 13% of internet users are on Instagram
  5. 70% of Instagram users are female
  6. Available in 25 languages
  7. Equal distribution – 50% iPhone, 50% Android
  8. 83% of Instagram posts come with hashtags
  9. 90% of users are under the age of 35
  10. 60 million images are uploaded daily
  11. Users post 1,000 comments every second and like posts 1.2 billion times a day
  12. It is only utilized by 28% of marketers in the industry
“Hashtags are as popular on Instagram as they are on Twitter, so don’t forget to use the right #!”

Carissa Meiring

Taking these factors into your social media planning, Instagramm is the right tool to take your brand to the next level if you have a product or service that is targeting females under the age of 35, such as beauty, clothing, accessories, hair care, vehicles, tech, media/digital magazines, etc… the list is endless. Instagram marketing strategies aren’t unique to Instagram, and that’s a good thing.  Just connect your channels, post great visuals, use the right hashtags, be interesting, host contests, and plan your posts. You’re already doing these things on Facebook and Twitter. It’ll be easy to add Instagram to the mix!

Thanks to Socially Stacked for the great Infographic, Click here to check it out. Click here to see the most popular apparel brands on Instagram.

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