10 innovative ideas to assist you digitally during #CoronaVirus

Now that we have all taken a deep breath, considered our options and put aside the panic, we need to take stock of where we are at and what we can do about it. Thankfully, there is always a silver lining in dark times. With disruption comes innovation; with change comes solutions, and through adversity comes opportunities.
So before you close up shop, board up your windows and De friend everyone on social media (nope, that’s not quite what they mean by ‘social distancing’) – we have the opportunity to create something new and innovative that could be the catalyst that will catapult your business into the future. For Banter, it’s business as usual.
Here are 10 innovative ideas to assist you during #Covid19. Not only will you be creating awareness and maintaining brand visibility, you will add value to your services, products and customers, ensuring your business remains and functions during the current “lock down.”

10 innovative ideas to assist you during #Covid19.
1. Live Stream video content. If you run a yoga studio or teach extra school lessons, continue your classes by including them in online group sessions via ZOOM or Skype. Even Google has granted free use of their Google Hangouts to help businesses.
2. Offer services to your immediate community on social groups via WhatsApp. Hairdressers, nail salons, doctors and dentists can do in home visits, especially retirement and old age villages. Pick n’ Pay has just introduced Pensioners shopping hour.
3. Use LinkedIn better. Connect via LinkedIn or Facebook groups with your industry peers and community to see where possible collaboration and opportunities are discussed.
4. Plan & Prepare. Gather your business blogs, e-mail marketing and social media content for the next few months and work on that marketing campaign while you have some time. Future proof your business!
5. Do an internal digital review. Look internally at ways you can automate tasks, increase production through streamline workflow processes and enable your staff to be more digitally savvy.
6. Discounted Offerings. Offer discounted rates, free shipping/delivery on products purchased online if possible. Alot of resturants are offering free delivery on take outs.
7. Go Digital. Research how you can ‘monetise’ and make your service or product digital. Possibly even start implementing your plan. Always look at a minimum viable product! (check out this blog for some great examples of MVP)
8. Setup your Online Shop. Start setting up that online shop, or automated booking service you’ve been thinking about.
9. Broadcast Live Feeds. Musicians, Artists, DJ’s and Bands can still perform shows via live feeds. Create a club scene and broadcast it, you will be surprised as who is online now as a lot of people have a lot of spare time!
10. Delayed Shipping Coupons. Offer discounted prices or coupons for items bought now, with a delayed delivery date. Read 10 essential e-commerce website tips here.
What other innovative ideas have you come up with? We would love to hear and be able to share the knowledge, as one thing is clear, Coronavirus knows no boundaries or race, no religion or class. We are all the same, one breathe, one spark and maybe, just maybe, if we all help each other, we will come out of this with a brighter future for us all, and especially for our children and their children.
Naturally, here comes the sales pitch part, so if you do need any assistance with your innovative digital ideas or want us to implement one of ours, we would love to chat (via Zoom of course J)
Be Safe!